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December 2012 Project Update

The SEQR Process

The NY State Department of Environmental Conservation issued a “Notice of Complete Application” on December 5, 2012 and has issued Draft Permits for the Williams Lake Project.

These Draft Permits can be reviewed at the DEC website:

A 30-day written public comment period on the Draft Permits will run between December 12, 2012 and January 11, 2013.  Interested parties wishing to comment on the Draft Permits can visit the above DEC web-site and download the Notice of Complete Application.

The Draft Permits were prepared over the past two years with significant guidance and input from the DEC.  Furthermore, the Draft Permits are consistent with the technical review of the Project contained in the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statements.  As such, the Williams Lake Project expects there will be no new issues to address regarding the Draft Permits.  If this is the case, the DEC will move towards drafting SEQRA Findings as soon as Feburary 2013.  The issuance of SEQRA Findings would close the SEQRA process and allow the Project to move forward!