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USGBC Seminar on Solar and Renewable Energy


As a member of the Hudson Valley Branch, Upstate Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council, we invite you to join us for this upcoming seminar on renewable energy technologies!



Presenter:  Tom Kacandes, Commercial Project Developer for Sunrise Solar Solutions, LLC

Location:  Gomen Kudusai Restaurant, 232 Main Street in New Paltz

When:  Wednesday, February 20th, 6-8pm

Cost:  Advance registration is $15 for the general public and $10 for Chapter members & students.
At the door, admission is $20 for the general public and $15 for Chapter members & students.

For Registration and Information, visit the USGBC website

The seminar will cover topics in on-site power, or “distributed generation,” with examples focused on a residential scale for:

• Solar hot water for domestic use and space heating
• Geothermal energy for space heating and cooling
• Combined heat and power
• Fuel cell technology and small wind

Details will be provided on the latest trends in solar and the technological capabilities driving them, as well as a review of the “sweet spot” of project economics, focusing on what size projects make the most economic sense and why.

Tom Kacandes designs and installs solar electric systems for residential and commercial property owners that want to pay less and do better for the world. He has also manufactured solar panels and built several recycling facilities in the course of 28 years as an environmental leader, and led energy retrofits of commercial property and biomass project design & engineering. Tom was a signatory founder of the USGBC HV branch as well as Sustainable Hudson Valley and other environmental efforts promoting materials reuse, renewable energy, and green building. 

The USGBC New York Upstate Chapter provides education, outreach, advocacy, and activities for their members and individuals interested in green building in 53 counties in New York State.